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Non Violent News - An introduction
This is an intro video to a pilot series called Non Violent News - A look at the worlds events through the lens of Non Violent...
My fundamental fear
A hash of ideas put together to remind me of what I know at the times where I've forgotten that I know it. Fundamental human fear, death...
Tapping for general anxiety and panic
A video to watch when be caught in the grip of anxiety or panic. The thing that struck me about the conversation on the radio (that...
IDB review from Wivenhoe reflexology!
After our first IDBUK session in Wivenhoe last weekend, Wivenhoe reflexology was kind enough to review the experience. It was an...
Tapping because I dont know what I want or what I'm doing
A video that investigates what we think we know, holding on, letting go, intention setting, and closing off the gifts that might be...
Tapping for exhaustion, overwhelm and general life fatigue
A look into those periods where it just feels like everything's too much and you don't know why you're doing what you're doing anymore....
IDB weekend session in Wivenhoe 21/1/2017 - Update
We'll be holding an inner dance breathwork session in Wivenhoe this weekend (21st Jan 2017) from 4pm to 6pm; idb is a journey to map the...
Non Violent Communication - Tapping from emotional slavery to emotional liberation
A look at the work of Marshall Rosenberg - The 3 stages of emotional liberation 1. Emotional slavery 2. Obnoxiousness 3. Emotional...
Video diary - thank you Zurich!, emotional baggage, idb, pain avoidance, dancing
A video that goes a little more in depth as to how and why idb is what it is right now, conduct within the sessions and intentions. Who's...
Tapping for eating disorders 2 - overeating
Another look at the topic of eatings disorders this time on the other side - eating too much.
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